For how much longer will the Western democracies adopt the ostrich position and hide their eyes from the true menace of Islamic fundamentalism? The question becomes more urgent with each terrorist outrage. Yet somehow the self-evident answer continues to be avoided. Even after the atrocities in Paris, Brussels, Tunisia, Turkey, Florida and now Nice, Western powers show no willingness to adopt the co-ordinated war footing that is so clearly required
The Evening Standard
Уже с порога кабинета главы «Национального резервного банка» нетрудно заметить, чем живет его хозяин. Только и разговоров что об офшорах и расследованиях
The two traits which London Evening Standard editor Sarah Sands admires most in journalists are seriousness about the trade coupled with a merriment. And 20 years in senior level editorial jobs have not dulled her enthusiasm for the most fun and interesting career there is
As African heads of state gather for a summit dedicated to ending the killing of these magnificent animals, Evgeny Lebedev tells of his own lifelong passion for conservation
Highly paid British, American and Swiss bankers and lawyers have helped in suspicious and bogus deals
And so I must away. It was 10 years ago this month that my first column was published in this newspaper and this is my last. During the decade, the media landscape has changed utterly
The switch from print to screen is well advanced. Plenty of newspapers in the US have made the move or are in the process of doing so by reducing the number of days in which they publish on paper
A group of young people who have become beacons of hope after overcoming homelessness were honoured by Prince William
Kidman seals triumphant return to the stage by taking Best Actress for her role as Rosalind Franklin in 'Photograph 51'
The Russian Presidents invitation to co-operate in the battle against Islamic State is an era-defining moment, says Evgeny Lebedev
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